By: 5 November 2013

Litigators have said that the Jackson reforms have resulted in rising costs and no discernible rise in access to justice.


The verdict comes after a survey conducted by the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA), as reported on Litigation Futures, showed that 93% of of respondents said the reforms had done nothing to increase access to justice.


59% said that the reforms had added to costs and 71% said they would not use damages-based agreements.


Francesca Kaye, president of LSLA, said that the survey confirmed some of the association's early misgivings about how well the changes would serve access to justice.


"We were concerned in April that some of the rules and regulations had been rushed through and poorly drafted. A clear example is the concern surrounding the lack of clarity in the DBA regulations.


“Despite the indication that the regulations would be reviewed it is little wonder that litigators have stayed well clear in the meantime. This has definitely been a case of more haste, less speed.”