A new firm which exclusively represents seriously injured cyclists has been launched in London.
Cycle Legal has been launched by Kevin O’Sullivan, who has been a personal injury lawyer for over 20 years who has specialised in cycle injuries. He set up one of the first cycle departments at his old firm before setting up his firm.
The Islington Gazette has reported that the new firm will focus on claimants with brain injuries, multiple orthopaedic injuries and significant scarring cases.
“I love what I do,” O’Sullivan told The Islington Gazette. “Cyclists buy into their health and fitness and their main focus is getting back on the bike.
“They enjoy being represented by a firm which only looks out for them, fighting for their rights, and campaigning for safer roads and increased cycle usage across the country.”
O’Sullivan says that Cycle Legal is the first UK law firm that is dedicated to only representing cyclists.
According to the firm, there are now about 610,000 cycle journeys per day in London. 432 resulted in serious injury last year.