45 users have been suspended from using MedCo due to concerns over their behaviour.
The Law Society Gazette has revealed that question marks over the conduct of a number of solicitors and doctors led to the total number of suspensions. 36 of those punished up until the end of April have been allowed to re-enter MedCo, but it is understood that a number of new suspensions will be made in the coming weeks.
The reasons for the suspensions include attempts to manipulate the system’s search function and efforts.
A spokeswoman for MedCo told the Gazette that users who appeared to have manipulated the search function were being investigated.
“Attempts to bypass the random allocation of medical experts and [medical reporting organisations] constitute a serious breach of the authorised user agreement and a number of the worst offenders have been suspended until they have been able to satisfactorily demonstrate that their behaviour has changed,” said the spokeswoman.
“That process is ongoing as there remain a number of firms still in breach of the agreement, and action will be taken. Solicitor firms should be aware that their use of the search function will continue to be monitored.”