By: 19 May 2016
Verisk Insurance Solutions unites UK Xactware and ISO claims businesses

Verisk Insurance Solutions has aligned its Xactware and ISO claims businesses in the UK and Europe and appointed Joe Pendle as its new managing director.

The company says that the new organisational structure will benefit personal injury and property claims customers with more efficient delivery of services.

Xactware is a leading supplier of claims-handling tools for the property market, and ISO Claims Outcome Advisor is a quantum evaluation tool used by many personal injury claims handlers across the United Kingdom.

Newly-appointed managing director Joe Pendle will lead the Xactware and ISO claims businesses for the United Kingdom and Europe. In his new role, Pendle will target further expansion of the Xactware and ISO claims solutions into the wider European market.

Pendle, a Verisk employee of more than 12 years, was previously head of the ISO COA UK division, where he worked closely with customers to develop and roll out its analytics-based claims solutions.

Bill Raichle, executive vice president of Verisk Insurance Solutions – Claims said that the alignment of the two businesses would create a unified experience for its claims customers.

“The new organisational structure will provide a strong foundation for us to expand the reach of our solutions across Europe while continuing to provide the high levels of customer service and satisfaction that have benefited our many long-standing customers,” said Raichle.