By: 27 October 2023
Analysis from APIL detects issues within CICA scheme

The Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA) will potentially under-compensate victims of crime unless they go to appeal, analysis shows. Victims risk losing tens and thousands of pounds if they do not appeal initial decisions. 

The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) analysed data and found that significant differences exist between the initial offers made by CICA and the final offers made when victims appeal.

An average of £7,848 was the initial offer for each claim in the 379 cases that reached appeal in 2022/23. But at appeal, the CICA’s offer in these cases increased to £47,339 – six times more per person, the data shows 

APIL vice president Kim Harrison stated: “The CICA tells victims of crime that they do not need to appoint a legal representative to pursue their claim. But these figures clearly suggest that victims are not receiving the compensation to which they are entitled if they don’t have legal assistance.”  

“Without legal representation, a victim of crime is less likely to be able to challenge the CICA’s decision, including whether the initial offer is fair.”

Survivors of terror attacks have criticised the compensation scheme as ‘broken,’ and these findings align with their concerns.

In a report compiled by the support network Survivors Against Terror, more than 130 survivors of attacks described their dire experiences of using the CICA. These include the Fishmongers’ Hall stabbings in London in 2019, and the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing, 

APIL has said it wants the compensation scheme extended so victims of child sex crimes, such as online grooming and online child sexual abuse, are eligible for damages. It has set out its views in response to a Ministry of Justice consultation looking at possible changes to the scope and time limits of claims. 

Image: © P_Wei via Canva
Emma Cockings
Emma is a content editor for Claims Media. Emma is a experienced writer with a background in client-centric personal injury for a major firm. She has attended and reported on multiple brokerage events throughout her career.