By: 2 November 2023
Stewart McCulloch appointed as new independent chair of GTA

Stewart McCulloch, the new independent chair of the GTA, accepted his appointment jointly from the CHO (Credit Hire Organisation) and motor insurers who subscribe to the GTA.

Mr McCulloch, who is currently independent secretary of GTA Technical Committee, will take up his new role on 1 Dec 2023.

The GTA is a set of industry-agreed principles, rules and guidelines that insurers and credit hire companies voluntarily agree to.

The agreement has been the benchmark and basis for the operation of the UK credit hire sector since 1999. The appointment of Mr McCulloch is the latest step towards evolving a revised GTA. This is necesssary to account for developments in the industry and the current challenging conditions in the motor claims supply chain.

Anthony Hughes, chair and CEO of the Credit Hire Organisation (CHO), and James Driscoll, senior claims manager at Aviva and chair of the Insurer Technical Committee, said:

“We’re pleased that someone with Stewart’s deep understanding of the credit hire industry will be overseeing the GTA through the latest series of revisions. He has the full support of insurers and credit hire companies (CHCs) who subscribe to the GTA and will play an integral role in the next stage of our negotiations.”

“We are confident that Stewart’s leadership will enable us to make smooth progress towards a revised GTA that will meet the needs of insurers and CHCs now and into the future.”

Stewart McCulloch said:

“Credit hire is a unique, some would say esoteric, element within the motor claims value chain, but being part of this sector for many years has given me great passion for the issues and for the industry in all its forms.”

“The GTA is a vital means of self-regulation, which most stakeholders believe is a far better means of managing replacement vehicle motor claims than the blunt instrument of legislation.”

Image: The GTA
Emma Cockings
Emma is a content editor for Claims Media. Emma is a experienced writer with a background in client-centric personal injury for a major firm. She has attended and reported on multiple brokerage events throughout her career.