By: 11 December 2014
Langleys grows its medical team

The medical law team at Langleys Solicitors has boosted its ranks with four new appointments.

Newly-qualified solicitor Penny Kemp, paralegal Sheena Wilson and nursing advisor Miranda Isaac have all joined the firm, along with legal secretary Nicola McCaffrey.

The now 12-strong team has more than 50 years’ experience of handling medical negligence cases and offers advice and support on a wide variety of medical issues.

“We are well resourced to handle a wide range of medical negligence cases. These additions to the team demonstrate our continued commitment to and passion for the field of medical law,” said the team’s head Sally-Ann Robinson.

The team holds a Legal Aid franchise which enables it to specifically advise parents who believe their child has suffered an avoidable injury at birth which may result in conditions such as cerebral palsy.